How to register for your AIDA certification

  1. Enter your information
Fill out the information in AIDA's registration form.
Register with AIDA
2. Click on "EOS (Education System)"
Once you have registered, click on "EOS (Education System)" not "AIDA (Main Site)" or "Organizer".
3. Login
Login to AIDA using your newly created email and password.
Login to AIDA
4. Optional: add a profile picture
If you would like a profile picture to appear on your certification card, add it in the "Profile" section.
5. Accept course invitation
Go to "My Courses" in the left menu and accept the Course Invitation. AIDA won't allow Fins and Foam to process your certification until you have accepted the course.
My Courses
6. Repeat for all courses you are enrolled in
If you are enrolled in more than one course (say, both AIDA 1 and 2), make sure to accept every course.
7. Yay!
Please let us know when you have accepted the course (AIDA does not send us an automatic notification), and we will process your certification.

If you see the status as "Payment Pending", you don't need to pay anything. It will change to "Certified" on its own in a few days.